This part is important for those patients who have Diabetes for a long time, and even more important for those who have been recently diagnosed with Diabetes so that they can take necessary precautions, Prevention is better than cure.
Why the noise about Diabetic foot problems? Those who have Diabetes for a long time and are on either oral medication or on Insulin, after some time ( it can be early if the Diabetes is way out of control) start developing problems in their feet, apart from other organs but we will concentrate only on the feet here.
What are those problems and why do they occur?
The nerves of the feet get damaged so the patients start losing the sensation and muscle power from the soles of their feet and the feet get deformed. The blood supply to the feet also is reduced so the muscles, skin, other parts of the foot get less blodd supply and therefore injuries do not heal quickly and properly.Sweating is also reduced hence the skin is quite dry which cracks easily and again causes infection.
Some facts about Diabetes: